Monday, April 25, 2005


Pdf Parse

I have tody finsih a big project with wonderful person ,the project simply extract info from pdf file and add them to a dataset.
the parsing of pdf file is not as simple as I first considered this took me a lot of work and time but the buyer on rac was a good preson and have appricate that.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Customized web

The web have been increased exponesaisy in the last decade.the storge cost is much lesser now (one can now get 2 GB mail for free thanks to gmail).
However with all this recourses one want to see the web from his point of view.I think that is a google alerts ,RSS feeds and symmentic web is on this direction.



Arimaa is a play that is designed to be diffcult to be played by computers and there is some competion to make this become true.
A freind of mine introduce me with this game for more info about the game visit


First post

This is my first ever blog I have just start it now,I think it will focus on my work as a software developper and software development and technoology.
then have fun.

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